Do they seem to you to go hand in hand? For me there seems to be a strong tie between the two. If I were to ask you to coffee, I would certainly be seeking a conversation to accompany us. The coffee would simply be a means to an end. I would agree there are times when a good cup of coffee drank alone or in silence can be an end of it's own. I suppose these same thoughts could be transfered to a beer, cigar, or even an ocassional joint ( just kidding hope that made you smile), but tonight coffee is on my mind.
My favorite cup of coffee would not be based on it's flavore, but rather the conversation or atmosphere it was accompanied by. My earliest memories of coffee are not based upon taste either. I have strong memories of this liquid and they are from a time when I had never tasted coffee.
As a little girl I would wake up and go to mom and dad's room, pulling myself up and over the edge of their bed, I would make my way inbetween them and rest my head on Dad's shoulder. The smell of His steaming black coffee was unmistakable. Mom would have some creamer in her's, but Dad's was always a pure undiluted brew.
There was something I respected about that, but I couldn't bring myself to drink it down. Even to this day I find a black cup of coffee more honest than the creamy sweet cup I am drinking now.
My favorite cup of coffee would not be based on it's flavore, but rather the conversation or atmosphere it was accompanied by. My earliest memories of coffee are not based upon taste either. I have strong memories of this liquid and they are from a time when I had never tasted coffee.
As a little girl I would wake up and go to mom and dad's room, pulling myself up and over the edge of their bed, I would make my way inbetween them and rest my head on Dad's shoulder. The smell of His steaming black coffee was unmistakable. Mom would have some creamer in her's, but Dad's was always a pure undiluted brew.
There was something I respected about that, but I couldn't bring myself to drink it down. Even to this day I find a black cup of coffee more honest than the creamy sweet cup I am drinking now.
love you Jonnie!
fun post! xo
my good friend len stewart, who grew up in persia, told me that he believed strong coffee glorifies god. he said "the stronger it is the more it glorifies him".
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