3:00 Am and I am awake. There was to much pain to sleep. I began down the steps. Each making its own sound, squeaking or cracking. Mom made me promise to come down if anything was wrong. You see the stairs could not be avoided no matter how loud they were.I went into mom and dad's room and climbed into their bed, to explain my symptoms to mom. I stayed here for about 45 minutes, but couldn't sleep. This is when I heard a beautiful sound. Ellie my beloved niece. She was crying. So I climbed back out of their be, up the stairs, less concerned with the noise because anyone who would have been disturbed, had already been graced with Ellie's cry. djkh h ffzhvfh gutff tf y i u ( you can thank Ellie for that sentence) Pulling her from
Beth's arms I knew I wasn't going to be lonely.
I don't think I can describe to you how lovely these past few hours have been. It was comforting to hold her. She has these beautiful brown eyes that steel me when I look at them. There is a beautiful silence. When we are caught looking at each other, or both doze off. Then there is her smile mmm... and I realize, this is far beyond sleep.
Sleep could never be so
restful, so
peaceful, so
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